Missouri February Weather

Missouri weather averages and all-time records in the month of February from 1991–2020 based on data made available by the NOAA.
Statewide February Averages
High temperature 45.6 °F
Low temperature 25.3 °F
Precipitation 2.3 inches
Missouri Cities
February weather averages for various places in Missouri, from 1991–2020.
City Average (°F) Record (°F) Monthly (inches)
High Low High Low Precipitation Snow
Bolivar 47.6 25.3 86 -19 2.3 n/a
Butler 46.8 23.8 81 -24 1.9 2.8
Cape Girardeau 48.2 29.3 79 -14 3.3 n/a
Carrollton 43.2 22.6 80 -34 1.8 3.3
Clinton 46.3 23.8 83 -22 1.9 2.4
Columbia 44.7 25.6 82 -26 2.2 4.4
El Dorado Springs 47.8 25.8 84 -21 2.3 0.1
Eldon 46.5 25.7 82 -28 2.0 0.7
Farmington 47.3 26.3 88 -19 2.6 2.0
Festus 46.6 25.3 89 -20 2.5 2.8
Hannibal 39.6 21.7 81 -19 2.2 1.7
Jackson 47.7 28.8 82 -24 3.6 1.3
Jefferson City 44.9 24.6 89 -25 2.1 2.3
Joplin 50.3 29.0 87 -21 2.0 n/a
Kansas City 43.7 24.0 83 -22 1.5 5.6
Kirksville 38.8 19.4 78 -31 1.9 4.7
Lebanon 48.4 27.8 83 -28 2.6 1.2
Lee's Summit 44.5 24.4 80 -15 1.5 n/a
Malden 49.2 30.8 81 -10 3.2 0.7
Marble Hill 49.6 27.6 80 -31 2.9 3.6
Marshall 41.9 21.7 82 -26 1.9 2.7
Marshfield 47.4 27.0 83 -17 2.5 0.7
Maryville 39.3 18.0 80 -28 1.2 4.6
Moberly 42.7 24.0 82 -19 2.0 3.6
Mountain Grove 46.6 25.9 84 -21 2.8 2.3
Neosho 50.0 26.9 87 -30 2.4 1.9
Nevada 46.8 26.1 82 -27 2.1 1.5
Perryville 46.7 25.1 83 -19 2.7 1.5
Poplar Bluff 49.4 29.8 83 -25 3.0 1.7
Rolla 46.1 26.1 84 -22 2.5 4.1
Sedalia 43.8 22.5 78 -30 2.1 2.7
Sikeston 47.9 30.8 78 -23 3.6 1.2
Springfield 48.7 27.6 84 -22 2.4 3.3
St. Charles 45.0 25.6 84 -24 2.5 2.2
St. Joseph 42.2 21.0 83 -23 1.1 n/a
St. Louis 45.7 28.0 86 -18 2.2 4.3
Trenton 40.2 18.9 82 -25 1.8 5.1
Vandalia 40.4 21.8 81 -16 2.1 3.6
Waynesville 48.5 25.7 85 -23 2.4 1.9
Weldon Spring 44.9 25.2 85 -14 2.6 3.3