Weather Comparison: Ardmore and Oklahoma City

This page compares weather averages and records between the cities of Ardmore, Oklahoma and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
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Records and Averages Comparison

Ardmore Oklahoma City
☀️ Record high 114 °F 116 °F
🌙 Record low -10 °F -17 °F
💧 Most daily precipitation 10.5 inches 9.0 inches
💧 Most monthly precipitation 19.1 inches 19.5 inches
💧 Most yearly precipitation 71.7 inches 57.0 inches
💧 Average yearly precipitation 37.0 inches 36.4 inches
❄️ Most daily snow 8.0 inches 13.5 inches
❄️ Most monthly snow 14.0 inches 18.9 inches
❄️ Most yearly snow 14.8 inches 25.0 inches
❄️ Average yearly snow 1.5 inches 6.9 inches
Maximum Difference Between High Temperatures
This table shows the times in history when the daily high temperature in Ardmore was warmest relative to Oklahoma City, and vice versa.
Date Ardmore Oklahoma City
February 13, 1951 80 °F 26 °F
March 03, 1904 41 °F 91 °F