Earliest and Latest Days of 90° F in Lake City

This is a list of the earliest and latest days in the year with a high temperature of at least 90 °F in Lake City, Florida history. It is based on NOAA data from the years 1892–2024.
Earliest 90 degree day in Lake City?
The earliest in the year that Lake City, Florida had a high temperature of at least 90 °F is January 4 which happened in 1985.
Latest 90 degree day in Lake City?
The latest in the year that Lake City, Florida had a high temperature of at least 90 °F is December 6 which happened in 1983.

Earliest Days ≥ 90 °F

Date Year Temperature
January 4 1985 90 °F
March 2 1918 91 °F
March 2 1917 90 °F
March 10 1925 90 °F
March 11 1925 91 °F
March 12 1925 92 °F
March 12 1911 90 °F
March 14 1917 90 °F
March 15 1897 90 °F
March 16 1945 91 °F
March 17 1945 91 °F
March 17 1917 90 °F
March 18 1963 90 °F
March 18 1945 90 °F
March 19 1898 90 °F
March 20 1907 90 °F
March 21 1952 90 °F
March 21 1921 90 °F
March 21 1907 94 °F
March 21 1904 90 °F

Latest Days ≥ 90 °F

Date Year Temperature
December 6 1983 91 °F
November 23 1986 91 °F
November 5 1909 90 °F
November 1 1919 90 °F
October 30 1918 90 °F
October 30 1917 90 °F
October 28 1984 91 °F
October 27 1919 90 °F
October 26 1919 91 °F
October 25 1927 90 °F
October 25 1919 90 °F
October 23 2006 90 °F
October 23 1927 90 °F
October 23 1919 91 °F
October 22 1927 90 °F
October 22 1919 93 °F
October 22 1900 90 °F
October 21 1919 91 °F
October 20 2006 90 °F
October 20 1917 90 °F