Vermont February Weather

Vermont weather averages and all-time records in the month of February from 1991–2020 based on data made available by the NOAA.
Statewide February Averages
High temperature 29.9 °F
Low temperature 9.3 °F
Precipitation 2.6 inches
Vermont Cities
February weather averages for various places in Vermont, from 1991–2020.
City Average (°F) Record (°F) Monthly (inches)
High Low High Low Precipitation Snow
Burlington 30.9 13.1 72 -30 1.8 19.2
Cornwall 30.6 11.0 66 -31 1.8 13.8
Montpelier 29.3 9.7 70 -29 2.1 n/a
Mt. Mansfield 19.7 4.5 56 -36 5.5 44.5
Newport 29.1 7.1 68 -38 2.4 20.5
Rutland 33.3 11.8 71 -30 2.2 16.0
St. Johnsbury 32.5 10.3 65 -43 2.2 19.9
Woodstock 32.9 9.0 66 -43 3.0 20.0