Pennsylvania August Weather

Pennsylvania weather averages and all-time records in the month of August from 1991–2020 based on data made available by the NOAA.
Statewide August Averages
High temperature 80.6 °F
Low temperature 58.5 °F
Precipitation 4.0 inches
Pennsylvania Cities
August weather averages for various places in Pennsylvania, from 1991–2020.
City Average (°F) Record (°F) Monthly (inches)
High Low High Low Precipitation
Allentown 83.4 62.2 105 41 4.6
Altoona 80.8 59.6 102 20 3.3
Bradford 77.7 53.7 93 28 4.5
Chambersburg 83.6 62.9 105 37 3.8
Donora 83.9 61.9 105 38 3.6
Dubois 78.0 57.9 96 34 4.0
East Stroudsburg 82.9 59.7 103 32 4.7
Erie 79.1 63.3 94 37 3.4
Franklin 81.8 58.0 104 36 4.1
Harrisburg 84.4 65.8 104 45 3.8
Kane 76.9 51.2 93 25 4.4
Lancaster 84.1 63.4 107 37 3.6
Lewistown 83.6 61.3 103 38 3.6
Philadelphia 85.7 68.8 101 38 4.3
Phoenixville 85.4 63.6 104 34 4.3
Pittsburgh 81.9 62.1 100 39 3.5
Reading 84.1 63.9 105 39 4.3
Ridgway 79.3 54.3 101 26 3.9
Selinsgrove 82.7 60.5 105 35 3.8
Shippensburg 85.0 62.6 102 38 3.3
State College 79.9 61.4 101 30 4.2
Titusville 79.9 55.1 96 32 3.6
Warren 80.4 57.7 100 35 4.1
Waynesburg 82.5 58.9 101 34 3.8
Wilkes-Barre 81.3 60.6 99 38 3.8
Williamsport 82.9 61.3 103 38 4.2
York 84.2 61.2 105 35 3.7