Oklahoma September Weather

Oklahoma weather averages and all-time records in the month of September from 1991–2020 based on data made available by the NOAA.
Statewide September Averages
High temperature 85.1 °F
Low temperature 60.7 °F
Precipitation 3.3 inches
Oklahoma Cities
September weather averages for various places in Oklahoma, from 1991–2020.
City Average (°F) Record (°F) Monthly (inches)
High Low High Low Precipitation
Ardmore 86.4 65.0 110 35 3.8
Bartlesville 84.8 58.8 110 29 3.4
Blanchard 85.8 62.1 110 36 3.6
Elk City 85.3 60.3 108 28 2.8
Enid 85.5 61.9 109 33 2.7
Goodwell 85.1 54.9 109 28 1.3
Hobart 86.8 62.9 110 31 2.7
Idabel 86.7 61.8 109 36 4.4
Lawton 87.2 62.7 111 35 2.7
McAlester 85.8 62.9 110 33 3.6
Muskogee 84.8 62.0 109 34 4.3
Oklahoma City 84.6 62.5 108 32 3.7
Ponca City 84.8 61.7 110 28 2.7
Stillwater 85.6 60.6 111 31 3.4
Tulsa 84.6 62.9 109 35 3.9
Watonga 84.8 60.5 107 33 2.9