Weather Comparison: Wilkes-Barre and Ithaca

This page compares weather averages and records between the cities of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and Ithaca, New York.
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Records and Averages Comparison

Wilkes-Barre Ithaca
☀️ Record high 101 °F 103 °F
🌙 Record low -21 °F -25 °F
💧 Most daily precipitation 7.7 inches 5.1 inches
💧 Most monthly precipitation 12.3 inches 12.6 inches
💧 Most yearly precipitation 61.1 inches 51.2 inches
💧 Average yearly precipitation 38.5 inches 38.1 inches
❄️ Most daily snow 22.1 inches 26.0 inches
❄️ Most monthly snow 42.3 inches 54.0 inches
❄️ Most yearly snow 81.5 inches 129.3 inches
❄️ Average yearly snow 42.5 inches 61.7 inches
Maximum Difference Between High Temperatures
This table shows the times in history when the daily high temperature in Wilkes-Barre was warmest relative to Ithaca, and vice versa.
Date Wilkes-Barre Ithaca
April 02, 2003 73 °F 36 °F
March 18, 1973 28 °F 71 °F