Weather Comparison: Springfield and Los Angeles

This page compares weather averages and records between the cities of Springfield, Missouri and Los Angeles, California.
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Records and Averages Comparison

Springfield Los Angeles
☀️ Record high 113 °F 110 °F
🌙 Record low -22 °F 27 °F
💧 Most daily precipitation 6.3 inches 5.9 inches
💧 Most monthly precipitation 18.8 inches 13.8 inches
💧 Most yearly precipitation 63.2 inches 31.3 inches
💧 Average yearly precipitation 44.7 inches 12.2 inches
❄️ Most daily snow 18.0 inches n/a
❄️ Most monthly snow 24.1 inches n/a
❄️ Most yearly snow 40.2 inches n/a
❄️ Average yearly snow 13.3 inches n/a
Maximum Difference Between High Temperatures
This table shows the times in history when the daily high temperature in Springfield was warmest relative to Los Angeles, and vice versa.
Date Springfield Los Angeles
June 28, 1952 99 °F 62 °F
February 11, 1988 13 °F 88 °F