Weather Comparison: Sept-Îles and Houston

This page compares weather averages and records between the cities of Sept-Îles, Quebec and Houston, Texas.
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Records and Averages Comparison

Sept-Îles Houston
☀️ Record high 36.6 °C 42.8 °C
🌙 Record low -43.3 °C -15.0 °C
💧 Most daily precipitation 11.5 cm 30.7 cm
💧 Most monthly precipitation 25.2 cm 98.7 cm
💧 Most yearly precipitation 144.7 cm 210.9 cm
💧 Average yearly precipitation 106.1 cm 141.2 cm
Maximum Difference Between High Temperatures
This table shows the times in history when the daily high temperature in Sept-Îles was warmest relative to Houston, and vice versa.
Date Sept-Îles Houston
January 29, 1979 8.9 °C 6.1 °C
January 27, 1972 -26.7 °C 27.8 °C