Weather Comparison: Lufkin and Houston

This page compares weather averages and records between the cities of Lufkin, Texas and Houston, Texas.
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Records and Averages Comparison

Lufkin Houston
☀️ Record high 111 °F 109 °F
🌙 Record low -2 °F 5 °F
💧 Most daily precipitation 7.5 inches 12.1 inches
💧 Most monthly precipitation 21.1 inches 38.9 inches
💧 Most yearly precipitation 79.0 inches 83.0 inches
💧 Average yearly precipitation 50.2 inches 55.6 inches
Maximum Difference Between High Temperatures
This table shows the times in history when the daily high temperature in Lufkin was warmest relative to Houston, and vice versa.
Date Lufkin Houston
December 20, 1924 60 °F 27 °F
December 09, 1919 38 °F 74 °F