Yarmouth November Precipitation Totals

A time series of total precipitation in the month of November in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia from 1879–2023.
Rainiest November in Yarmouth History
The rainiest November in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia history happened in 2014, with 29.28 centimeters of total precipitation.
Driest November in Yarmouth History
The driest November in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia history happened in 1931, with just 2.79 centimeters of total precipitation.
Yarmouth Average November Precipitation by Year
Year Precipitation (cm)
2023 9.69
2022 8.51
2021 9.53
2020 13.60
2019 12.59
2018 17.16
2017 10.82
2016 6.38
2015 11.30
2014 29.28
2013 16.88
2011 15.20
2010 26.50
2009 9.60
2008 11.94
2007 13.98
2006 16.26
2005 16.70
2004 19.45
2003 8.02
2002 24.99
2001 11.84
2000 9.46
1999 9.19
1998 8.91
1997 13.88
1996 6.13
1995 17.44
1994 14.82
1992 14.90
1991 17.44
1990 9.76
1989 18.46
1988 19.64
1987 12.84
1986 11.48
1985 16.19
1984 3.88
1983 13.89
1982 12.61
1981 14.46
1980 18.19
1978 4.90
1977 10.75
1976 6.97
1975 18.66
1974 14.30
1973 9.36
1972 20.85
1971 14.12
1970 7.80
1969 12.72
1968 16.32
1967 16.18
1966 9.46
1965 10.48
1964 7.85
1963 23.84
1962 19.78
1961 15.22
1960 6.95
1959 24.86
1958 13.65
1957 17.66
1956 11.05
1955 14.12
1954 15.02
1953 3.55
1952 3.85
1951 19.23
1950 29.19
1949 13.59
1948 19.00
1947 11.23
1946 5.28
1945 16.95
1944 12.03
1943 18.61
1942 10.34
1941 11.12
1940 12.21
1939 2.97
1938 8.81
1937 12.48
1936 8.14
1935 9.61
1934 19.11
1933 13.02
1932 10.87
1931 2.79
1930 7.04
1929 11.86
1928 6.45
1927 12.77
1926 7.43
1925 10.87
1924 6.09
1923 10.48
1922 3.62
1921 12.50
1920 10.81
1919 23.61
1918 17.57
1917 9.03
1916 5.51
1915 10.12
1914 7.43
1913 3.05
1912 10.14
1911 15.96
1910 6.91
1909 12.59
1908 4.55
1907 13.38
1906 11.31
1905 15.47
1904 6.44
1903 15.74
1902 7.81
1901 7.72
1900 12.42
1899 8.66
1898 21.42
1897 18.82
1896 9.58
1895 19.00
1894 11.33
1893 5.63
1892 19.08
1891 4.23
1890 9.29
1889 14.05
1888 21.74
1887 12.56
1885 8.47
1884 8.59
1883 6.34
1882 3.87
1881 8.74
1880 8.47
1879 7.85