Earliest and Latest Days of 90° F in Williamston

This is a list of the earliest and latest days in the year with a high temperature of at least 90 °F in Williamston, North Carolina history. It is based on NOAA data from the years 1930–2024.
Earliest 90 degree day in Williamston?
The earliest in the year that Williamston, North Carolina had a high temperature of at least 90 °F is April 3 which has happened twice, most recently in 1967.
Latest 90 degree day in Williamston?
The latest in the year that Williamston, North Carolina had a high temperature of at least 90 °F is October 10 which happened in 2007.

Earliest Days ≥ 90 °F

Date Year Temperature
April 3 1967 90 °F
April 3 1963 90 °F
April 7 2010 90 °F
April 10 2001 92 °F
April 12 1977 90 °F
April 13 1977 90 °F
April 14 1977 90 °F
April 15 1972 91 °F
April 16 1972 90 °F
April 17 2002 90 °F
April 17 1976 91 °F
April 18 2002 91 °F
April 18 1976 90 °F
April 19 2002 92 °F
April 19 1963 91 °F
April 20 2002 90 °F
April 20 1995 90 °F
April 20 1963 91 °F
April 21 1957 90 °F
April 21 1955 90 °F

Latest Days ≥ 90 °F

Date Year Temperature
October 10 2007 95 °F
October 9 2007 92 °F
October 8 1997 90 °F
October 7 1997 90 °F
October 6 2002 90 °F
October 6 1986 90 °F
October 6 1954 97 °F
October 5 1986 93 °F
October 5 1973 90 °F
October 5 1954 95 °F
October 4 2019 96 °F
October 4 1986 91 °F
October 4 1954 93 °F
October 3 2019 91 °F
October 3 1986 92 °F
October 3 1968 90 °F
October 3 1954 90 °F
October 2 1986 91 °F
October 2 1968 90 °F
October 2 1954 90 °F