Wauseon January Weather

Averages and records for weather in Wauseon, Ohio in the month of January.
Typical Wauseon January Weather
Average daily high 32.0 °F
Average daily low 17.1 °F
Average monthly precipitation 2.2 inches
Average monthly snow 8.9 inches
Daily chance of precipitation 35.2%
Daily chance of snow 19.8%
Wauseon January Weather Records
Highest temperature 70 °F January 25, 1950
Lowest temperature -24 °F January 21, 1984
Highest daily low 56 °F January 25, 1950
Lowest daily high -8 °F January 31, 2019
Hottest average high temperature 44.1 °F 1932
Coldest average high temperature 20.6 °F 1912
Most daily precipitation 2.3 inches January 31, 1982
Most monthly precipitation 7.5 inches 1950
Most daily snow 9.2 inches January 13, 1910
Most monthly snow 34.8 inches 1918
Note: Daily averages are a moving average which includes 14 days before and after
Day Average (°F) Record (°F)
High Low High Low
January 1 34.1 19.9 56 -13
January 2 34.0 19.7 56 -8
January 3 33.8 19.5 60 -14
January 4 33.7 19.3 58 -23
January 5 33.5 19.1 62 -13
January 6 33.3 18.8 60 -11
January 7 33.1 18.5 60 -15
January 8 32.8 18.2 63 -16
January 9 32.8 18.1 59 -10
January 10 32.8 18.1 59 -11
January 11 32.7 18.0 58 -14
January 12 32.5 17.8 64 -18
January 13 32.3 17.6 61 -19
January 14 32.2 17.4 63 -8
January 15 32.0 17.2 63 -13
January 16 31.9 17.0 57 -18
January 17 31.8 16.8 63 -18
January 18 31.7 16.7 58 -16
January 19 31.6 16.6 64 -21
January 20 31.6 16.5 67 -17
January 21 31.7 16.5 68 -24
January 22 31.8 16.3 63 -15
January 23 31.8 16.3 64 -18
January 24 31.9 16.3 62 -19
January 25 31.9 16.4 70 -21
January 26 31.8 16.3 66 -20
January 27 31.8 16.1 65 -13
January 28 31.7 15.9 58 -15
January 29 31.7 15.9 59 -15
January 30 31.7 15.9 63 -9
January 31 31.8 16.0 58 -14
Weather Station Details
Years Station Coordinates
1893–2024 Wauseon WTP location