Earliest and Latest Days of 100° F in Vero Beach

This is a list of the earliest and latest days in the year with a high temperature of at least 100 °F in Vero Beach, Florida history. It is based on NOAA data from the years 1923–2024.
Earliest 100 degree day in Vero Beach?
The earliest in the year that Vero Beach, Florida had a high temperature of at least 100 °F is June 22 which happened in 2009.
Latest 100 degree day in Vero Beach?
The latest in the year that Vero Beach, Florida had a high temperature of at least 100 °F is June 27 which happened in 1950.

Earliest Days ≥ 100 °F

Date Year Temperature
June 22 2009 102 °F
June 27 1950 100 °F

Latest Days ≥ 100 °F

Date Year Temperature
June 27 1950 100 °F
June 22 2009 102 °F