Earliest and Latest Days of 100° F in St. Johnsbury

This is a list of the earliest and latest days in the year with a high temperature of at least 100 °F in St. Johnsbury, Vermont history. It is based on NOAA data from the years 1894–2024.
Earliest 100 degree day in St. Johnsbury?
The earliest in the year that St. Johnsbury, Vermont had a high temperature of at least 100 °F is June 3 which happened in 1919.
Latest 100 degree day in St. Johnsbury?
The latest in the year that St. Johnsbury, Vermont had a high temperature of at least 100 °F is August 8 which happened in 1909.

Earliest Days ≥ 100 °F

Date Year Temperature
June 3 1919 100 °F
June 4 1919 101 °F
June 5 1919 101 °F
July 3 1911 101 °F
July 4 1911 100 °F
August 8 1909 100 °F

Latest Days ≥ 100 °F

Date Year Temperature
August 8 1909 100 °F
July 4 1911 100 °F
July 3 1911 101 °F
June 5 1919 101 °F
June 4 1919 101 °F
June 3 1919 100 °F