Most Monthly Precipitation in Santa Rosa History

This is a list of the largest monthly precipitation totals ever recorded in Santa Rosa, California history from 1902–2024.
What Was the Wettest Month in Santa Rosa History?
According to NOAA records, the most precipitation that Santa Rosa, California has ever received in a single month is 19.4 inches which occurred in February 1998.
Santa Rosa Most Rain in One Month
Rank Precipitation Month
1 19.4 inches February 1998
2 19.0 inches January 2017
3 18.5 inches January 1909
4 18.0 inches December 2005
5 17.9 inches December 1955
6 17.1 inches January 1995
7 17.0 inches February 2019
8 15.9 inches February 1986
9 15.9 inches January 1970
10 15.7 inches March 1983
11 15.4 inches January 1973
12 15.2 inches January 1916
13 14.9 inches December 2002
14 14.7 inches December 1952
15 14.7 inches February 2017
16 14.5 inches December 2014
17 14.4 inches February 1925
18 14.2 inches January 1911
19 14.0 inches January 1914
20 13.7 inches March 1991