Lowest February Temperatures in Santa Maria

A list of the lowest temperatures ever recorded in the month of February in Santa Maria, California from 1893–2024.
What's the coldest it has ever gotten in Santa Maria in February?
The coldest February temperature in Santa Maria, California history was 20 °F which has occurred twice, most recently on February 10, 1895.
Rank Temperature Date
1 20 °F February 10, 1895
1 20 °F February 9, 1895
3 22 °F February 27, 1971
3 22 °F February 11, 1895
5 23 °F February 15, 1990
6 24 °F February 6, 1989
6 24 °F February 17, 1956
6 24 °F February 19, 1909
9 25 °F February 14, 1903
10 26 °F February 28, 1971
10 26 °F February 26, 1971
10 26 °F February 14, 1964
10 26 °F February 4, 1957
10 26 °F February 7, 1900
15 27 °F February 4, 2020
15 27 °F February 14, 1990
15 27 °F February 9, 1986
15 27 °F February 5, 1985
15 27 °F February 14, 1966
15 27 °F February 10, 1965
15 27 °F February 12, 1964
15 27 °F February 8, 1929
15 27 °F February 15, 1903