Highest Daily Low Temperatures in Saint-Hyacinthe History

This is a list of the hottest daily low temperatures ever recorded in Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec history from 1890–2024 based on data from the NOAA.
Record for the highest daily low temperature in Saint-Hyacinthe
The highest low temperature for a calendar day in Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec history was 25.6 °C which has happened twice, most recently on Monday May 29, 1978.
Rank Temperature Date
1 25.6 °C May 29, 1978
1 25.6 °C July 5, 1939
3 24.5 °C July 8, 1988
4 24.4 °C July 10, 1955
4 24.4 °C September 5, 1953
6 24.0 °C July 6, 2010
6 24.0 °C July 2, 2002
6 24.0 °C August 10, 2001
6 24.0 °C July 14, 1995
6 24.0 °C July 20, 1991
6 24.0 °C July 9, 1988
6 24.0 °C July 13, 1987
13 23.9 °C July 21, 1977
13 23.9 °C July 20, 1977
13 23.9 °C August 2, 1975
13 23.9 °C August 1, 1975
13 23.9 °C August 15, 1955
13 23.9 °C August 15, 1947
13 23.9 °C August 5, 1944
13 23.9 °C July 4, 1939