Regensburg Average Temperature by Month

This page shows the average temperature in each month of the year in Regensburg, Germany. It is based on NOAA data for the years 1991–2020.
What's the Hottest Month in Regensburg?
In Regensburg, Germany, the warmest month is July, with an average daily high temperature of 26.1 °C and an average low of 13.4 °C.
What's the Coldest Month in Regensburg?
In Regensburg, Germany, the coolest month is January, with an average daily high temperature of 2.3 °C and an average low of -2.9 °C.
Month Avg. High Avg. Low
January 2.3 °C -2.9 °C
February 4.7 °C -2.5 °C
March 10.3 °C 0.5 °C
April 16.5 °C 3.8 °C
May 20.7 °C 8.1 °C
June 24.2 °C 11.7 °C
July 26.1 °C 13.4 °C
August 25.8 °C 13.2 °C
September 20.3 °C 9.2 °C
October 13.9 °C 5.3 °C
November 6.9 °C 1.5 °C
December 2.9 °C -1.6 °C
Year 14.6 °C 5.0 °C
Weather Station Details
Years Station Coordinates
1879–2024 Regensburg location