Pärnu Average Rainfall by Month

This page shows the average precipitation in each month of the year in Pärnu, Estonia. It is based on NOAA data for the years 1991–2020.
What's the Rainiest Month in Pärnu?
In Pärnu, August has the greatest precipitation of any month. On average, Pärnu gets 8.4 cm of precipitation in August.
However, January is the month with the greatest chance of precipitation. 64.7% of days in January will have at least some rain.
What's the Driest Month in Pärnu?
In Pärnu, May has the least precipitation of any month. On average, Pärnu gets 3.95 cm of precipitation in May.
May is also the month where rain is least common. 36.9% of days in May will have measurable rain.
Month Precipitation % Chance
January 6.12 cm 64.7
February 4.77 cm 55.7
March 4.34 cm 47.6
April 4.00 cm 40.2
May 3.95 cm 36.9
June 7.84 cm 43.3
July 7.33 cm 43.3
August 8.43 cm 42.9
September 6.38 cm 45.4
October 8.19 cm 54.2
November 6.95 cm 60.8
December 7.21 cm 66.2
Year 75.50 cm 50.1
Weather Station Details
Years Station Coordinates
1877–2024 Parnu location