Mammoth Cave National Park January Weather

Averages and records for weather in Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky in the month of January.
Typical Mammoth Cave National Park January Weather
Average daily high 47.0 °F
Average daily low 27.9 °F
Average monthly precipitation 3.8 inches
Daily chance of precipitation 37.1%
Mammoth Cave National Park January Weather Records
Highest temperature 80 °F January 24, 1943
Lowest temperature -20 °F January 21, 1984
Highest daily low 64 °F January 4, 2004
Lowest daily high 5 °F January 23, 1936
Hottest average high temperature 57.5 °F 2006
Coldest average high temperature 27.6 °F 1940
Most daily precipitation 3.5 inches January 19, 1935
Most monthly precipitation 21.0 inches 1937
Note: Daily averages are a moving average which includes 14 days before and after
Day Average (°F) Record (°F)
High Low High Low
January 1 47.5 29.4 75 -2
January 2 47.4 29.2 73 -2
January 3 47.3 29.2 70 -1
January 4 47.2 29.1 69 -3
January 5 47.2 28.9 69 -6
January 6 47.0 28.8 73 -10
January 7 46.9 28.5 64 -10
January 8 46.9 28.4 69 -16
January 9 47.0 28.6 68 -7
January 10 46.9 28.5 70 -12
January 11 46.8 28.4 70 -12
January 12 46.7 28.2 69 -6
January 13 46.6 28.0 70 -5
January 14 46.6 27.9 68 -1
January 15 46.6 27.8 69 -4
January 16 46.6 27.8 72 -8
January 17 46.6 27.7 70 -19
January 18 46.8 27.7 69 -5
January 19 47.0 27.7 72 -17
January 20 47.0 27.7 76 -18
January 21 47.2 27.8 71 -20
January 22 47.4 27.9 70 -6
January 23 47.6 28.1 70 -8
January 24 47.7 28.1 80 -20
January 25 47.8 28.2 78 -10
January 26 47.9 28.1 74 -14
January 27 47.8 28.0 72 -10
January 28 47.9 28.0 67 -14
January 29 47.9 28.1 72 -8
January 30 47.9 28.2 69 -12
January 31 48.0 28.4 70 -10
Weather Station Details
Years Station Coordinates
1934–2024 Mammoth Cave location