Earliest and Latest Days of 90° F in Jefferson City

This is a list of the earliest and latest days in the year with a high temperature of at least 90 °F in Jefferson City, Missouri history. It is based on NOAA data from the years 1893–2024.
Earliest 90 degree day in Jefferson City?
The earliest in the year that Jefferson City, Missouri had a high temperature of at least 90 °F is March 21 which happened in 1907.
Latest 90 degree day in Jefferson City?
The latest in the year that Jefferson City, Missouri had a high temperature of at least 90 °F is October 30 which happened in 1950.

Earliest Days ≥ 90 °F

Date Year Temperature
March 21 1907 93 °F
March 22 1910 91 °F
March 22 1907 91 °F
March 23 1929 94 °F
March 24 1929 97 °F
March 25 1907 90 °F
April 4 2011 91 °F
April 4 1929 96 °F
April 5 1929 90 °F
April 9 1905 91 °F
April 10 2001 90 °F
April 10 1930 94 °F
April 11 1930 90 °F
April 12 1972 91 °F
April 15 2006 90 °F
April 17 1896 90 °F
April 20 1902 90 °F
April 21 1987 93 °F
April 21 1965 91 °F
April 21 1902 90 °F

Latest Days ≥ 90 °F

Date Year Temperature
October 30 1950 90 °F
October 23 1939 91 °F
October 22 1899 90 °F
October 17 1950 90 °F
October 15 1989 90 °F
October 15 1963 90 °F
October 15 1938 91 °F
October 15 1899 93 °F
October 14 1989 90 °F
October 14 1963 91 °F
October 14 1938 92 °F
October 14 1899 90 °F
October 13 1899 91 °F
October 12 1989 90 °F
October 12 1975 90 °F
October 12 1928 94 °F
October 12 1899 90 °F
October 11 1963 91 °F
October 11 1962 90 °F
October 11 1928 92 °F