Flinders Island January Weather

Averages and records for weather in Flinders Island, Tasmania in the month of January.
Typical Flinders Island January Weather
Average daily high 22.6 °C
Average daily low 13.9 °C
Average monthly precipitation 5.1 cm
Daily chance of precipitation 26.2%
Flinders Island January Weather Records
Highest temperature 38.8 °C January 25, 2003
Lowest temperature 2.6 °C January 16, 1990
Highest daily low 24.2 °C January 6, 1997
Lowest daily high 14.5 °C January 8, 1994
Hottest average high temperature 24.6 °C 1988
Coldest average high temperature 19.2 °C 1965
Most daily precipitation 10.7 cm January 26, 1998
Most monthly precipitation 14.7 cm 1998
Note: Daily averages are a moving average which includes 14 days before and after
Day Average (°C) Record (°C)
High Low High Low
January 1 21.8 13.2 34.9 5.0
January 2 21.9 13.3 33.1 5.6
January 3 22.0 13.3 37.9 5.5
January 4 22.0 13.3 38.6 6.6
January 5 22.0 13.3 35.5 4.5
January 6 22.2 13.4 34.3 3.7
January 7 22.2 13.5 30.4 5.6
January 8 22.3 13.5 36.1 6.8
January 9 22.3 13.5 32.2 4.9
January 10 22.4 13.6 31.5 7.1
January 11 22.5 13.6 35.6 5.0
January 12 22.5 13.7 35.6 7.6
January 13 22.5 13.8 31.5 6.7
January 14 22.6 13.8 36.6 6.7
January 15 22.6 13.9 38.0 5.6
January 16 22.6 13.9 34.4 2.6
January 17 22.6 13.9 32.3 5.6
January 18 22.6 13.9 32.4 6.1
January 19 22.7 13.9 32.7 4.6
January 20 22.7 14.0 35.3 5.1
January 21 22.7 14.0 37.1 5.6
January 22 22.8 14.0 35.4 5.0
January 23 22.8 14.0 29.8 4.8
January 24 22.9 14.1 36.9 5.2
January 25 22.9 14.1 38.8 6.6
January 26 22.9 14.2 36.0 6.4
January 27 22.8 14.2 36.7 5.4
January 28 22.8 14.2 34.8 5.6
January 29 22.8 14.2 36.1 5.2
January 30 22.7 14.2 34.3 8.0
January 31 22.8 14.2 38.5 6.2
Weather Station Details
Years Station Coordinates
1750–2023 Flinders Island Airport location