Most Monthly Precipitation in Dayton History

This is a list of the largest monthly precipitation totals ever recorded in Dayton, Ohio history from 1893–2024.
What Was the Wettest Month in Dayton History?
According to NOAA records, the most precipitation that Dayton, Ohio has ever received in a single month is 11.7 inches which occurred in January 1937.
Dayton Most Rain in One Month
Rank Precipitation Month
1 11.7 inches January 1937
2 10.9 inches June 1958
3 10.8 inches September 2011
4 10.4 inches March 1913
5 10.0 inches December 1990
6 9.9 inches January 1950
7 9.5 inches June 1980
8 9.2 inches January 2005
9 9.2 inches April 1996
10 9.1 inches June 1903
11 9.1 inches May 1938
12 9.1 inches May 1995
13 8.9 inches August 1905
14 8.7 inches April 2011
15 8.7 inches March 1945
16 8.6 inches May 2004
17 8.6 inches May 1989
17 8.6 inches July 1990
19 8.4 inches November 1897
19 8.4 inches May 1990