Lowest Daily High Temperatures in Columbia History

This is a list of the coldest daily high temperatures ever recorded in Columbia, Tennessee history from 1890–2024 based on data from the NOAA.
Record for the lowest daily high temperature in Columbia
The lowest high temperature for a calendar day in Columbia, Tennessee history was 4 °F which has happened twice, most recently on Monday January 21, 1985.
Rank Temperature Date
1 4 °F January 21, 1985
1 4 °F January 12, 1918
3 7 °F December 25, 1983
4 8 °F February 12, 1899
5 9 °F January 11, 1982
6 11 °F January 28, 1986
6 11 °F December 15, 1901
8 12 °F January 19, 1994
8 12 °F January 9, 1970
10 13 °F December 24, 1989
10 13 °F January 19, 1940
12 14 °F December 26, 1983
12 14 °F January 17, 1977
12 14 °F January 2, 1928
12 14 °F December 20, 1901
12 14 °F February 13, 1899
17 15 °F February 5, 1996
17 15 °F January 16, 1972
17 15 °F January 11, 1962
17 15 °F January 10, 1962
17 15 °F February 2, 1951
17 15 °F January 26, 1940
17 15 °F February 2, 1917
17 15 °F February 3, 1905